How to Prevent & Treat Periodontal Disease
What is periodontal disease? It is a mouthful. Simply stated, periodontal disease is an inflammatory condition that affects the tissue surrounding the teeth. It is obvious when it happens, resulting in red, puffy, bleeding gums. As you know, bleeding gums are not normal! To prevent this from happening, you should be seeing your dentist at least twice a year for professional and thorough cleanings.
Can Lead To Tooth Loss
It is not just bleeding gums. If left untreated, this condition, which starts as treatable gingivitis, becomes periodontitis—which is irreversible and can lead to bone loss. During the early days of gum disease, when plaque is accumulated on the teeth, the gums start bleeding because they are inflamed and irritated. But luckily, at the early stage, the teeth are still stable and firmly rooted. However, once it advances to periodontitis, the pockets between gums and teeth become infected, destroying tissue and bone—leading to tooth loss eventually. You can experience pain at this stage.
How To Prevent
Additionally, one’s family history, smoking habits, and diseases such as HIV and diabetes can affect the progression of periodontal disease. We can do our best with treatments, of course. Professional treatments include aggressive cleaning called scalings and root planings, which is
when plaque and tartar above and below the gum are scraped away and the rough spots on the root are smoothed out. This helps reduce bacteria. Your dentist may also prescribe antibiotics, and dental surgery—such as tooth extraction—may also be recommended.
How Common Is It
Luckily, you’re not alone. Periodontal disease affects half of people over the age of 30 in some form, mild or severe. The numbers increase with age. About 70 percent of people over the age of 65 are affected by gum disease. You can improve your chances of being part of the 30 percent over the age of 65 without gum disease by getting professional cleanings and checkups twice a year—starting now, no matter your age.
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About Dr. Derek
He is not only Co-Founder of RiseWell. Dr. Derek Gatta is a partner at Dr Max & Dr Gatta PLLC in Boca Raton, Florida. If you are in the area, he is your go-to dentist!