How to Get Rid of Bad Breath How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

Derek Gatta

Got bad breath? I know it can be embarrassing and inconvenient. There are several underlying reasons for bad breath: nutrition, oral hygiene, tobacco usage, dry mouth, periodontal disease, and total body conditions. Luckily, these sources of bad breath are typically fixable—sometimes even on your own.

You’re not just doing a disservice to those around you when you have bad breath. You’re also doing a disservice to yourself. But think of this as a good thing: Bad breath is your body’s way of telling you that you need to make some positive changes to your oral care routine. Here’s a quick guide to figuring out how to best get rid of bad breath.


Not surprisingly, the foods you consume can have a temporary impact on your breath. Common culprits like garlic and onion can impact your breath in the short term. (Just another reason to brush your teeth after meals!) But eating nutrient-
dense foods can also help you prevent bad breath in the long term. Foods rich in Vitamin C, like citrus fruits and kale, can help prevent gum disease.

Oral hygiene

Floss twice a day, brush your teeth at least twice a day, and get a tongue scraper. If it works for your lifestyle, invest in an electric toothbrush, which can help remove more plaque than manual toothbrushes. Here’s a detailed guide to upgrading your oral hygiene routine.

Tobacco usage

It goes without saying that in addition to being bad for your overall health, tobacco usage—whether you’re smoking or chewing—is bad for your breath and stains your enamel, too. It can also lead to dry mouth, which increases likelihood of bad breath. If you’ve been meaning to quit or cut down, count better breath as another motivation.

Dry mouth

Saliva contains enzymes, electrolytes, and mucus to help us speak, chew, swallow, digest, and much more. Saliva is also our body’s natural way of cleansing the mouth, washing away dead cells that would otherwise decompose and cause bad breath.
When your mouth isn’t producing enough saliva, you can get bad breath. Luckily, there are saliva substitute products on the market that can help lubricate your mouth to help perform its natural cleansing functions.

Gum disease

Gum, aka periodontal, disease, is infection of the tissues surrounding your teeth. This happens when plaque builds up on your enamel. Bad breath can result from this, as the bacteria invade your gums. One of the earliest signs of gum disease is gingivitis, which can commonly be detected if your gums start bleeding when you floss. Don’t stop flossing, but make an appointment with your dentist ASAP. 

Conditions on the body

In some cases of bad breath, you need to see your doctor to help you diagnose and treat the source of the problem. For example, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is when stomach acid rises into the esophagus, causing bad breath. Bad breath is treatable and preventable! It starts with your personal health and hygiene, but there are dentists and doctors who can help you, too.

See more advice from Dr. Derek on our Instagram stories!

About Dr. Derek

He is not only Co-Founder of RiseWell. Dr. Derek Gatta is a partner at Dr Max & Dr Gatta PLLC in Boca Raton, Florida. If you are in the area, he is your go-to dentist!

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